We went to Willowbank, a wildlife reserve in Christchurch, today. Highlights of the outing included feeding these eels with mince on a straw. Amber even jumped in and walked through the eel water to retrieve a tennis shoe (one kid had thrown another kids shoe in the water).
We saw heaps of animals, like happy pigs...
...and friendly donkeys
Ediza, wearing an oversized helmet, rode on a donkey with Ferne.
Pretty soon she fell asleep in mommy's arms and we were on our way.
Later, I attempted to cook dinner and Amber got started on some artwork.
Well, should get going as we head out early tomorrow for a long drive to the bottom of the South Island. We'd like to thank the Robinson family for their generosity.
P.S. With the marathon less than a month away, I thought I'd fill you in on what my training schedule has been lately: I don't run, I drink lots of red wine and I eat ice cream for breakfast:)
WOW~~cool~you go Amber! Ediza looks sooo comfy asleep on Mommy. Hope Amber enjoyed her dinner (curious to know what you came up with~Gool). Look forward to seeing some new artwork from Amber. Be safe in your traveling tomorrow. Mike you may want to run (just to prepare a little bit for the marathon). Ice cream is truly a family "thing"~sorry, but um so good. Continue to enjoy the journey!! Peace & Love Always!
That's a training schedule I can admire.
- The Wolf
Mike, you could eat ice cream all day and sit on your bum and you'd still kick butt in the marathon. I love that pic of Ediza and Mommy. So adorable!! By the way, I've been teasing Josh about doing hypno-birthing when I get preggers - there's a gal in Casper who does it. He's freakin' out!! Wish you both could be here to egg it on, like old times! :> haha.
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