Xquisite Symphony (mom) and Pirate Ring (dad) are the proud parents of Kakophony Ediza, born about noon on Friday. That's right, the cria (baby llama) was named, at least partially, after little Ediza Rose. The cria weighed 11 kilograms (that's about 24 pounds) and was up and running around in no time.
Aside from baby llamas, we took a stud male named Poetry to the beach yesterday. We have actually been visiting quite a few secret little bays during the past few days. Can you imagine, swimming in February?
When we took Poetry to the ocean, we walked up a steep path to a hillside monument commemorating the Rainbow Warrior -- the Greenpeace ship the French sunk in Auckland 23 years ago so that it wouldn't interfere with their nuclear testing. Two years later, the ship was brought to Matauri Bay, near where the monument now stands.
Pictured with Poetry are Amber, Ediza and Tracy, a helper at the llama farm.
On the way back down we walked Poetry through a little cove where we came across a topless woman sunbathing. Needless to say she was shocked a llama had crashed her party. Poetry, putting on a good show, decided to sit down and have Amber pull him towards the water.
Today, at another beach, Amber made an elaborate sandcastle with a moat and everything. Not a bad way to spend a day you only get to live every four years.